

  • CN:货物在打包时,厚度已经被压下去了一部分,再加上长时间的海运,有的根本都恢复不到原先的厚度.如果你要求我们生产50mm厚的产品却希望收到的是70mm,我们得需要耗费相当多的成本.每次你下订单后我都会让生产部门多加上一部分厚度,这已经是极大挑战我们的成本了,目的就是希望货到你的仓库后厚度差的离谱.

    EN:As the thickness of the goods will be crushed down a little when packaged, in addition, it will take a very long time to transportation by sea, therefore, some can’t be recovered the original thickness. If you would like the thickness of the goods becoming from 50mm to 70mm, it will take us more cost. In order to avoiding unusual thickness difference when the goods delivered to your warehouse, we always request Production Department to add thickness to the goods when you place an order. It’s really our reasonable and challengeable cost.