

  • so 和 such 在表示程度的时候,意思相近但是用法不一样.一般是 so后面跟形容词,such 后面跟名词和名词词组.看下面例句:

    1a) It's so hot that you can cook eggs in the sun.天太热了,可以在太阳下面煮鸡蛋了.这里 'so' 后面跟形容词,'so hot',如果用such,就要:

    1b) It is such a hot day that you can cook eggs in the sun.'such'跟' a hot day' 是个名词词组,中心词是 'day'.

    2a) He was so dumb that he messed up even this simple game.他太笨了,这么简单的游戏都搞砸了.'so' 跟形容词 'dumb',改用such:

    2b) He was such an idiot that he messed up even this simple game.'such' 后面跟名词 'an idiot'.

    清楚了吗?so 和 such 还有别的意思,这里不便长篇大论,楼主有具体问题在线找我/留话就行了.


    3a) The box is so heavy that no one can lift it.这个箱子重得没人拿得起了.

    3b) 改用 'such'.