

  • I wish that my left hand can forever be next to your right hand.I wish that whenever you're feeling down,I can be by your side,and whenever you're discouraged,I can encourage you.I wish I can see your smile the instant I step through the door every day,and I wish that I can have the joy of tasting your cooking.I wish I can touch your head from time to time,and that you can cheer me on and help me wipe the sweat away when I'm playing basketball.I wish that when you're sick,I'll be the only one who's there to care for you,but I wish even more that you won't ever be sick.I wish that I can fall asleep holding your hand and dream about each other in our dreams.I wish that when I first open my eyes in the morning I can see you next to me,sleeping soundly.I wish to travel together with you,to great plains as well as the ocean.I'll carry you on my back home.I wish to hold your hand and accompany you to the ends of the earth,see the sunrise and sunset,and everything else together.I wish for you to never feel loneliness,and I wish we will be able to celebrate Valentine's Day every day.I wish that the past us,the present us,and the future us will all be happy.Finally,I wish that all my wishes will come true.

    ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,