书面表达 (满分25分)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,在3月12日植树节(Tree-Planting Day)这一天,你


  • Green Action in Our Class

    On March 12, the Tree-Planting Day, we had a meaningful experience, one I’ll never forget.

    Early in the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way. Upon arrival, we began to work immediately, some digging holes, some carrying and planting young trees,and others watering them. We had a wonderful teamwork! With all work done, we decided to put up a board to remind people to protect these trees. Before leaving, we took some photos to record our green action.

    Tired but happy, we all went home with a sense of achievement. I feel it our duty to plant trees every year and I firmly believe if everyone plants a tree each year, our planet will become much more beautiful.