

  • 宽容是一种修养,更是一种美德.宽容不是胆小怕事,而是海纳百川的大度.做人要学会宽容.



    Tolerance is not only a kind of accomplishment,more than a kind of virtue.To be tolerant does not mean being so timid,instead of it,it means magnanimous by keeping an open mind.

    To be tolerant should own the characters of being strict to yourself and treating others with a heart full of mercy.Easily forgiving yourself is not toleraance and it's weakness instead of it.It also in terms of people to treat others with a heart full of mercy.It's sappiness to tolerate the people who don't treasure the tolerance.It's appeasement to tolerate the people who are not worth tolerating.And it's indulgence to tolerate the unforgivable people.Therefore,the tolerance itself is also a a branch of knowledge.

    How wide the world is,but there exists something wider than it----people's heart.Let's learn to own the tolerance.

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