检查一下这篇文章有无错误Housing has a lot of problems in china.First of


  • Housing has CAUSED a lot of problems in china.First of all,housing prices are SO high that few people can afford.For instance,a young man USUALLY workS at 20 ,and this man getS four thousand yuan a month.After 20 years he CAN only buy a small APARTMENT in a small city.Therefore,some rich people have a lot of APARTMENTS but some poor man can’t have one.Housing quality is not very good in Chinese house market EITHER.For example,a building collapsed at shanghai in 2009.According to a report,NEW buildings WHICH WERE BUILT RECENTLY IN CHINA only live 30 years..On the other hand,house market development HAS BEEN IN imbalance.In China,house market IN EAST CHINA is MUCH hotTER THAN THAT IN WEST CHINA.Everyone hopeS housing price becomeS normal SO THAT we can live in a guaranteed sociETY.
