1、A t____is a rough ,narrow road in the country.


  • 1、A trail____is a rough ,narrow road in the country.


    There are many different kinds of parrots.Some are quite big.Others are very s_mall___.Many people like them because they often have beautiful c_olours___,and because they can talk.

    No one can t_ell___why parrots can talk.Most birds cannot.Some people say that parrots can talk because they have big,t_hick___tongues.But this may not be why they can talk because some birds that have the s_ame__kind of tongue can't talk.Parrots do not usually know what they are s_aying__when they talk.They are only m_aking__sounds.However ,they know w_hen__to say some words such as "Hello!"and"Goodbye",and they usually know and say their n_ames__.

    Most parrots come from hot countries,but they can live a_nywhere__.This is one reason why sailors usually____to take them with them on long journeys.M_aybe___another reason was that they wanted someong to talk to.


    If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time,they become weak.When you start using them again,they slowly become strong again.Everybody knows that.Yet many people do not allow___to know that memory works in the same w__ay__.

    When someone says that he has a good memory,he really m__eans__that he keeps his memory in practice by u_sing__it.When someone says that his memory is p__oor____,he really means that he does not give it enough e_nergy___to become strong .If a friend says that his arms and legs are w__eak__,we know that it is his own fault.

    But if he tells us that he has a poor memory ,many of us think that his p_arents____are wo blame ,and few of us know that it is his o_wn___fault.

    Have you ever f_ound___that some people cant't read or write but u_sually___thay have better memories This is because they cannot read or write and they have to r_emember___things.Thay cannot write them down in the little note,they have to remember days ,names ,songs and stories;so their memory in the w__hole__ time is being e_xercised___.