

  • A:Hi, is that B speaking? This is A.

    B:Oh!Year. I haven`t heard from you for ages, how are you?

    A:Not much, except the bad weather, everything goes well.

    B:It goes well in Chengdu,the temperature is low, however,it doesn`t shonw.

    A:Oh, how I wish it could stop snowing in Harbin!There are all snow around, then we ues it to play,haha.Er,Do you remembered the weather in Chongqing?

    B:Of course!

    A:When summer comes, it become hotter & hotter, we can go to rivers to swim…

    B:When winter wacation is approching, it`s the most happy time!

    A:Haha, the fog is thick.It`s hard for us to see each other though we stood colse.

    B:I want to go back now!

    A:Me,too. See you in Chongqing.

    B:See you.