

  • Spring in Bijie is very beautiful.The warm weather,many people on the street,they dressed in various kinds of clothes,some in the chat,some old people playing cards in the park under a tree,look very happy.The grass,the children be jubilant to fly a kite.A kite flying in the sky,suddenly,blooming flowers,very beautiful.The adults also took fishing to fishing by the river,they were not to turn a hair in her chair,waiting for the fish hook.

    毕节的春天是非常美丽的.天气暖和,街上人很多,他们穿着各种各样的衣服,有的在聊天,一些老人在公园的树下打牌 ,看起来很开心.草地上,小朋友们兴高采烈地放风筝.一只只风筝飞上天空,顿时,天空中绽开了朵朵鲜花,美丽极了.大人们也拿着渔具到河边钓鱼,他们纹丝不动地坐在椅子上,等待着鱼儿上钩.