英语翻译翻译英语 《我总是把事情都埋藏在心里,然后自欺欺人地笑,自欺欺人的哭.当别人问起,我总是回答,没事.嗯,我没事.


  • I always keep things to myself,giving vent to my feelings,self-deceivingly laughing or crying.Whenever other people ask me,I will say I'm ok,and there's nothing the matter.Anyone who smiles in a silly way has pains that he cannot shake off his heart.Instead of saying in tears I am in pain,I will smile telling others that everything is fine.Now,I have to let nature take its course,for what can I do if I care too much?I do care but that is in vain,isn't it I have to see through.When In pain,I will cry.If tired,I wll squat and hug / embrace myself,thinking there's nothing I cannot ignore.I am not in the habbit of contacting others actively,or rather the people I am in active contact with are the ones I care a lot about.However,if I don't contact you,it is not that I care you less but that I find that I am no longer important to you.