帮我看一下我写的这篇考研作文有没有语法错误,特别是最后的if only那里


  • 大作拜读,文理清晰,略有瑕疵,大写改过,仅供参考:

    It can be observed in the picture that there are two men who ARE playing soccer in the ground while one of PLAYERS HAS aimed at the GATE AND READY to shoot.An idea that the defender IS BECOMING taller and bigger suddenly COMES INTO HIS MIND,he is being feared that the goal IS BECOMING wider and larger.As IT is indicated that the two men are scared each other with themselves.

    Obviously,we can deduce from the picture that one important function of loss of confidence is to help enemy become stronger and stronger.For example,the idea of what I SHOULD do had been frightened by myself when I was WRITING sometimes.If that were true of what I worried about,I would cook my own goose.The key to the problem is the fact that I didn't do enough preparation for BROADENING my perspective of certain subjects.However,there are many explaining about many privileges accorded to the opponent.

    Considering all the reasons why the goal become marvelous,we should establish the confidence.Firstly,it is never too late to learn what we can learn that the way to accumulate the knowledge of beating the rival.Secondly,only if had IT never BEEN said A FAILURE,we could have earned battle in our life.Despite all these factors,nothing is too big to BE TAKEN off.