英语作文《My classroom》


  • 我的班级是7年级5班.它不是很大,但很干净.教室里的墙壁有2个黑板.在前黑板有一张讲台桌.教室里有7个灯,在灯的下面,有54张桌子和54张椅子.我的班级有54个学生,26个男生和28个女生.我们每天都要上课除了星期天.

    My classroom

    My class is Class .5,Grade .7. It’s not very big ,but it is clean. There are two blackboard on the wall . In front of the blackboard , there’s is a teacher’s desk .There are eleven lights in it .Under the lights , there are fifty-four desks and fifty-four stools . There are fifty-four students in my classroom .They are twenty-six boys and twenty-eight girls .We study every day except Sunday in it .