英语翻译不要翻译机的,要英语厉害的人工翻译.翻译内容是:望远镜看不见你的心 飞去哪里 雾上飞行 想像黑夜的经历 别说对不


  • See your telescope away

    Imagine flying night fog

    Don't let me say sorry to say,wounded heart intentionally,but I can't blame you

    Say sorry.Don't let me love become cheap goods

    I only love you

    Close your eyes will see you

    The good you instead of weakness

    I believe that your trust yourself begins to

    Don't let me say sorry to say,a grey heart not intentional I couldn't blame you

    Say sorry.Don't let me love become carefully

    I can only love you

    To prove

    You sincerely

    Don't say that

    I don't want just
