

  • Cinderella and Here Odious Household Chores辛提瑞拉和她苦恼的家务事 (关于家务事的说明文哦)

    Almost everyone knows how the story of Cinderella ends,but do people actually think about how she spent her days vefore she met the prince?Her daily routine was not glamorous.She did everything from sweeping the floors to cooking the meals.If someone had asked Cinderella which chores she did not particularly like,she probably would have answered,"Why,none,of course.Housework is my duty!"In today's increasingly busy society,however,most people admit that they have definite dislikes for certain household chores.The top three of these unpopular tasks often include ironing clothes,washing dishes,and cleaning the bathroom.

    One of the most hated chores for many people is ironing clothes because it is not a task that can be completed quickly or thoughtlessly.Each piece of clothing must be handled individually,so ironing a basket of laundry can take hours!After ironing a piece of clothing meticulously,which entails smoothing out the fabric,following the seams,and getting the creases just right,it needs to be put on a hanger as soon as possible.If not,this item might becomewrinkled and need to be ironed again.Perhaps the reason that ironing is not a favorite chore is that it requires extreme attention to detail from beginning to end.

    Another housedhold chore that many people dislike is washing dishes.Of course,some people claim that this chore is no longer a problem because dishwashers are available now!However,no one would argue that dishes,silverware,and especially pots and pans washed in a dishwasher come out as clean as they do when washed by hand.For this reason,many people continue to wash their dishes by hand,but they are not necessarily happy doing it.Washing dishes is a dirty job that requires not only elbow grease to scrape food off the dishes but also patience to rinse and dry them.In addition unlike ironing clothes,washing dishes is a chore that usually must be done every day.Regardless of how Cinderella felt about this particular chore,it is obvious that most people do not enjoy doing it.

    Although ironing clothes and washing dishes are not the most pleasnat household chores,perhaps the most dreaded chore is cleaning the bathroom.This task involves tackling three main areas:the bathtub,sink,and toilet.Because the bathroom is full of germs,a quick wiping of the surfaces is often not enough.As a result,strong bathroom cleansers are necessary to clean and disinfect this room.The task of cleaning the bathroom is so unpleasant that some people wear rubber gloves when they attempt it.the only positive point about cleaning the bathroom is that it does not have to be done on a daily basis.

    Maintaining a house means doing a wide variety of unpleasant chores.Cinderella knew this,and so does the rest of the world.Many individuals do not always have the luxury of hiring an outside person to do their own housework,so they must make do with their own resources.Still,taking pride in the results of this hard work helps many people get through the unpleasantness of these chores.
