

  • My beloved teacher

    A good teacher is like a bright star shining in his or her students' hearts.Mr.Cheng,my first English teacher,is also the bright star shining in my heart.

    when I started my learning in junior middle school,my English was poor and that really frustrated me.I abandoned myself.Besides,I was too shy to answer the teacher's questions in the class and finally Mr.Cheng got to know that.He began to help me with my lessons and also encouraged me at the same time.He said:don't be afraid,in fact you're really excellent!Believe in yourself and don't hold a gloomy view on your own abilities!From then on,I changed my mind on English and I had made a great progress later.

    I have left Mr.Cheng for several (three) years,and I have never seen him.I think I have benefited from him for a lot.For example,he gave me confidence,made me stay calm and so on.I think he is a star shining in my way to success.and I will never forget him,never!