写一写在家里你都能帮助父母做哪些事情 英语作文


  • 我是一个勤快的女孩,在家里帮着父母干一些力所能及的家务事:洗碗,洗衣服,扫地拖地,擦窗户,样样能行.虽然做的不是很好,但是,我也在尽自己的一份心,感谢父母的养育之恩,并且可以从从小锻炼出一颗独立自主的心,真是一举两得!

    I'm a hard-working girl,at home to help parents can do some housework:wash the dishes,washing clothes,clean the window,sweep floor mop the floor,all can do it.Although do not very good,but,I also do own a heart,thank my parents' brought up,and can produce a childhood star from the exercise of independent heart,really kill two birds with one stone!