英语翻译1)英译中:The growth of electric media and the emphasis on l


  • 电子传媒的进步和对终生学习的重视给致力于将电脑图形动画的刺激和教育内容相结合的人们带来巨大机会.这个“教娱”领域将对每个人开放,从打包和标记产品的企业家,到程序员,图形艺术家,动画制作者到教育工作者.

    Self-stablization is not about finding a quiet place. It is about feeling calm in a confusing surrounding. Stable is a plane attained where one is unshaken amongst an ever-changing atmosphere. Only a person who has attained his plane can be a real master of his destiny, contenting himself with the purest and simplest pleasure.