

  • 要是需要四个叫色,就把nurse(护士)和 病人的家属加进去.


    Patient's Wife(病人的夫人):doctor,my husband has a headache.

    Patient(病人):doctor,my head aches.

    Doctor(医生):do you usually have headaches?


    Doctor:did you sleep well?

    Patient:no,I slept very late last night.

    Doctor:hmm.have you ever suffered from fatigue before?

    Patient:let me see.ah yes!last month,I had a terrible headache.The doctors said it was due to fatigue.

    Doctor:well then,have you been getting enough rest lately?

    Patient's Wife:he has been pretty busy with work,so he stays up late.

    Doctor:I see.(checks patient) I can tell that you show symptoms of fatigue.

    I'll give you some tablets and you'd better lie in that bed for a while.You'll be okey after then.

    Doctor(tells nurse):Could you get some panadol for the patient and arrange a bed for him.

    Nurse:okey,I'll get 2 tablets and the bed will be arranged.

    Patient:thank you very much doctor!

    Patient's Wife:thank you doctor.

    Doctor:It's a pleasure.Now,go and have a good rest.

    Nurse(to patient):Please follow me.(leads patient to the bed)

    Patient's Wife:do I have to stay with him?

    Nurse:no,he's fine on his own.lets just leave him.he needs to get some rest.

    Patient's Wife:okey.

    Patient's Wife(to patient):honey,they say that you'd be better left alone to get some rest.I'll be waitng outside if you you'll need anything.

    Patient's:okey.I'll call you when I need anything.Now,let me get some sleep.