翻译下面一段话1.Stop at the red light and walk when it turns green.


  • 1.Stop at the red light and walk when it turns green.Don't run a red light.红灯停,绿灯行,别和红灯赛跑.

    2.Walk along the pavement.请走人行道.

    3.Take the zebra crossing,pedestrian overpass or underpass to cross the road.过马路请走斑马线,天桥或地下通道.

    4.Whils walking in the street or on the roadside,children of pre-school age must be led by on adult.当在街上或路旁行走时,学龄前儿童要有成年人带领.

    5.Don't cross the road when a vehicle is appoaching.有车辆行近时不要过马路.

    6.Don't play basketballor football on the road.不要在路上打蓝球或踢足球.

    7.Don't skateboard or roller skate on the road.不要在路上玩滑板或溜冰.

    8.Don't play in a parking lot,near garage or around motor vehicles.不要在停车场,汽修厂附近或机动车周围玩耍.

    9.Don't climb over the guardrail.不要爬栏杆.

    10.Children under 12 shall not be allowed to ride a bicycle in the street.12岁以下儿童不允许在街道上骑单车.

    11.Children shall not be allowed to carry any person on the bicycle while riding ty.儿童骑车时不允许带人.

    12.Don't chase or play with each other while riding bicycles.骑单车时不允许追赶玩耍.

    13.Don't ride a bicycle in the reversed direction.不准逆向骑车.

    14.Don't hold anything in your hands or rest your hands on other vehicle while riding a bicycle.

    15.Don't set your hands off the handle while riding a bicycle.骑单时手不能不把车把.

    16.It is very dangerous to place a basketball on the bicycle without securing it with a string bag.蓝球没用网袋装住放在单车上是非常危险的.

    17.Get on and off the bus fro the right door while taking a ride.要在正常的方向上下车.

    18.Don't reach your head or hands out of the window in a running vehicle.车辆行使中请不要将头或手伸出窗外

    19.Don't romp,gambo or run inside the carriage.不要在客车里嬉戏玩耍.

    20.Don't take a ride inside the carriage of a truck or a tractor.

    21.Don't drive ater drinking alcohol.驾车时不能喝酒.

    22.Don't throw any rubbish or other articles out of the window.不要将垃圾或其它物品丢出窗外.