

  • 出处不好找,但大致背景如下:

    "Plato believed that reality is divided into two regions.One region is the world of the sense,about which we can only have approximate or incomplete knowledge by using our five (approximate or incomplete) senses.In this sensory world,"everything flows" and nothing is permanent.Nothing in the sensory world is,there are only things that come to be and pass away.

    The other region is the world of ideas,about which we can have true knowledge by using our reason.The world of ideas cannot be perceived by the senses,but the ideas (or forms) are eternal and immutable."


    另一个世界是思想的世界,在思想的世界里面,我们可以独自思考来获取自认为是真正的知识,这个思想的世界是无法靠感官来察觉的,但这些思想(或形式)是永恒的和不可改变的“ .

    楼主所提到的 残缺不全的世界,应该就是柏拉图提到的world of the sense,即感知的世界.