《书虫》读后感之《枞树》 The Fir Tree 作者:宁心怡


  • [《书虫》读后感之《枞树》 The Fir Tree 作者:宁心怡]

    x05x05x05Iread a book yesterday.It is called The Fir


    Asmall fir tree

    wanted to grow very big.His life was very good but he did not care

    about that.He wanted to become a gigantic mast or a christmas

    tree.One day,he really became a christmas tree.He was very happy

    but then people put him into a dark room.He was lonely and he

    wanted to grow in the forest.He regretted because the air and the

    sunshine told him he should enjoy his life.

    At last,the gardener chopped him

    into many pieces.

    The small fir tree should enjoy

    everything when he was in the forest.When he was in the forest,he

    was sad and he wanted to be everything.He did not care about the

    air and the sunshines advice.He would regret afer all.He was

    jealous of the other trees life so we shouldnt learn from him.We

    should listen to other people advice.For

    example,aflockmaster found a sheep was gone.

    Some neighbors told him he should fix the hole because he found a

    hole in his sheepfold.But he did not care about his neighbors.The

    next morning,he found another sheep was gone.he regretted and he

    fixed the hole immediately.He had never lost his sheep after he

    fixed the hole.Here is another example,one day,I

    had a fever.My mother told meI should wear more

    clothes andI wore lots of clothes.It was a cold

    day butI didnt fall cold.At

    last,I felt very well.I was

    grateful to my mother.

    Ireally like

    The Fir Tree andI will listen

    to other people


    作者宁心怡现为建中英语新概念英语第二册C班学员,小学六年级学生,《书虫》读后感之《枞树》 The Fir Tree 作者:宁心怡,读后感《《书虫》读后感之《枞树》 The Fir Tree 作者:宁心怡》.


    x05x05  〔《书虫》读后感之《枞树》 The Fir Tree 作者:宁心怡〕随文赠言:【这世上的一切都借希望而完成,农夫不会剥下一粒玉米,如果他不曾希望它长成种粒;单身汉不会娶妻,如果他不曾希望有孩子;商人也不会去工作,如果他不曾希望因此而有收益.】