这个句子语法对不对啊,求教……Former Rough Rider and future President Theod


  • Former Rough Rider and future President Theodore Roolsevelt created a marketing empire for a Tennessee restaurant when proclaiming the coffee to be "good to the last drop" after a meal there.

    Former Rough Rider and future President Theodore Roolsevelt 是主语,created是谓语,a marketing empire 是宾语,when proclaiming the coffee to be "good to the last drop" after a meal there.意思是当他在那个饭店吃完饭后,声称那里的咖啡是“滴滴香浓、意犹未尽”.

    顺便说一下,麦斯威尔的广告语就是"good to the last drop" ,翻译为“滴滴香浓、意犹未尽”.但是没考究过是不是罗斯福总统说的.