

  • 在上一次的欧洲之行,我有机会参观「巨石阵」(Stonehenge)。当我走近到附近,很明显,那是一圈巨大的石头。我记得那天非常炎热,阳光明媚。几乎每一个到访英国的旅客都都会来这古老神秘的地方参观,这被认为是世界上最有名的史前遗址。






    During my last trip to Europe, I had the opportunity to visit Stonehenge. As I approached the area, it became clear to me that it was a circle of huge stones. I remember it was a very hot day with a lot of sunshine. Almost every tourist who travels to England visits this ancient, mystical place, which is considered one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world.

    The stones were huge. Our tour guide said that the square stones weigh nearly five tons each, stand eighteen feet high, and are three feet thick. It was amazing to see them up close. Something that I really asked myself was how the ancient people could have been clever enough to arrange the stones as upright pillars, then connect the stones overhead, and place them altogether to form a circle. It was a great feeling to admire the magnificent stones up close.

    I tried to imagine the figures of the ancient people moving the heavy stones, but it was hard to imagine how they could achieve such incredible work. As I admired the stones up close, I almost imagined myself back in time, standing there, watching the people move the stones.

    After my tour around this mysterious place, I was full of questions without answers, but taking a trip back in time and imagining beings from another planet building Stonehenge was fun.