

  • Violet Hill的内容主要展现了现实的黑暗,如所谓政客的频频做秀(By a carnival of idiots on show)却不顾人们的疾苦(From the windows they were watching/While we froze down below);又用十分犀利的语言,可以说是十分blunt了,嘲笑了宗教的两面性,一方面宣扬与人为善,同时又对于所谓"正义"的战争睁一只眼闭一只眼(Priests clutched onto Bibles/Hollowed out to fit their rifles),顶多也只是事后为之祷告(a cross was held aloft),And a fox became God,可见Martin至少认为是十分狡猾的.Violet Hill可能是一种试图躲避现实黑暗的一种心灵寄托.

    Violet hill

    Was a long and dark December

    From the rooftops I remember

    There was snow,white snow

    Clearly I remember

    From the windows they were watching

    While we froze down below

    When the future's architectured

    By a carnival of idiots on show

    You'd better lie low

    If you love me won't you let me know

    Was a long and dark December

    When the banks became cathedrals

    And a fox became God

    Priests clutched onto Bibles

    Hollowed out to fit their rifles

    And a cross was held aloft

    Bury me in armour

    When I'm dead and hit the ground

    My nerves are poles that unfroze

    And if you love me won't you let me know

    I don't want to be a soldier

    Who the captain of some sinking ship

    Would stow,far below

    So if you love me why d'you let me go?

    I took my love down to Violet Hill

    There we sat in snow

    All that time she was silent still

    Said if you love me,won't you let me know?

    If you love me won't you let me know?