A Tail of Two Kitties 完形填空


  • Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties


    发表日期:2007年9月5日 年度:07-08 期刊:2 【编辑录入:ell】



    导演:蒂姆·希尔(Tim Hill)

    加菲猫配音:比尔·莫瑞(Bill Murray)

    主演:布瑞金·梅耶(Breckin Meyer);詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特(Jennifer Love Hewitt);比利·康诺利(Billy Connolly)




    Jon: I want you to know, you’re the most important thing in my life.

    Garfield: Let me sleep, please.

    Jon: Before I met you, my life had no meaning. I was incomplete.

    Garfield: Oh, you still are, really.

    Jon: I guess what I’m trying to say is ... Will you marry me?

    Garfield: Eh? Marriage? Well, this is kind of sudden. There may be some legal issues1 here. Look, I like you, but not as a spouse2. Maybe as a servant, we could stay together, make it work.

    Jon: (Pick up the photo) So what do you say ... Liz?

    Garfield: Wait a second. Liz? Liz?

    Jon: Garfield. Garfield: Liz is a girl. No, worse. She’s a girl vet3.

    Jon: Turkey’s ready.

    Garfield: Well, I think Jon has touched bottom4 now. Hmm, we need to put an end to this torture5.


    Garfield: Oh, I thought she’d never leave.

    Jon: Garfield, you ate the whole turkey?

    Garfield: Well, yes.

    Jon: What are you doing with this? Oh, never mind. She’s already off to ...

    Garfield: Well, come on, cheer up. I saved you the wishbone6.

    Jon: There’s nothing I can do.

    Garfield: Sure there is. Return the ring and get your money back.

    Jon: Wait a minute. I’ll go to London.

    Garfield: Oh, you poor sap7. Jon: She’ll love it. She’ll be surprised.

    Garfield: Please don’t do this.

    Jon: She’ll be thrilled8.

    Garfield: Tell me you’re not going to do this.

    Jon: She’ll say yes.


    1. legal issue 法律上的问题

    2. spouse n.配偶

    3. vet n.兽医

    4. touch bottom 达到最坏的程度

    5. torture n.折磨

    6. wishbone n.如愿骨(传说两人同扯吃剩家禽的V形骨,得大块者能如愿以偿.)

    7. sap n.笨人, 傻子

    8. thrilled adj.激动的(Tobecontinued)