

  • BI-1 Homework

    1.Write a short article comparing the two companies (Ace and United Industries).This should include both similarities and differences.Come to class prepared to answer the question:Which company would you prefer to work for?Why?

    2.Write a description of your company and come to class prepared to make a presentation on this topic (that is,not just reading it out!).The information that you provide should cover the same points as in this lesson (e.g.History,Location,Products/Services,Customers,Employees,Competitors,and Sales/Profits.

    If you aren’t working at present,write about a former company.If you’ve never had a job,interview a relative or friend about their company.

    3.Research and write up a description of a well-known company,such as Nike or Samsung,using the same guidelines.You should be able to find all the information you need on the internet!