写作。     假如你是王飞,今天你收到了好友李磊的一封信。信中说他想买一部手机,为此他想征求一下你的意见。请你根据以下


  • Dear Li Lei,

    I’m very glad to receive your letter today. How are you getting along with your study?

    In your letter,you asked me whether you should buy a cell phone or not. In my opinion,it is

    unnecessary for a student. Why?First,sending or receiving short messages takes up too much

    time. Therefore,the time that you should spend on studies becomes shorter. Second,it is

    forbidden to use cell phones at school because sometimes you have to answer the call in class.

    As a result,your behavior may disturb others. Third,you may be disturbed by some unhealthy

    short messages. Finally,as a student,you have to ask your parents for the phone expenses,

    and they will have to spend more in supporting you than before.

    In short,I suggest that you think it twice. Best wishes.

    Your friend,

    Wang Fei
