

  • 有很多种翻译方法.

    1. I had intended to visit you several days before, but I was about to leave when somebody came to see me.

    2. On/Upon arriving at the airport, he took a taxi to the hospital.

    As soon as / Immediately / Directly he reached the airport, he took a taxi to the hospital.

    Hardly had he got to the airport when he took a taxi to the hospital.

    No sooner had he arrived at the airport, he took a taxi to the hospital.

    3. Tired of shopping, we went to a cafe.

    Because we were tired of shopping, we went to a cafe.

    We were bored with shopping, so we went to a cafe.

    4. The thief left the spot in no time and missed being caught by the police.

    5. I regret to informe you that you didn't pass the exam.

    6. Have you ever regretted giving up that job?