

  • Dear Editor,

    I'm Li Hua ,a student from the countryside. I have something to say about the frogs in the rice fields. In the Summer when I was young, I have realized the sounds of frogs in paddy fields. I loved it beacuse the songs forgs sang were so natural and nice. However, it is very depressing that these songs have disappeared through time nowadays. That is beacause a summary of quite a lot of problems. The pollution is getting worse every day, the cute frogs could not persist anymore. Additionally, the growth of farms are increasing, which means a lack of land are needed, which the homes of frogs has been taken away too. Humans eat frogs for food too, they are becoming less.

    So that is why I strongly recommend to bann frog meals. In addition, we should provide more space for frogs which is an endagered species now. I hope you could cooperate so that the sound of music from frogs could come back again...


    Li Hua