求150字英语短文 假如时光倒流我能做什么 最好是英中都有的


  • 首先说,这是一首歌的歌词,我就是翻译一下.

    if i could turn back the hands of time 如果我可以让时光倒流

    by r.kelly 凯利.r

    how did i ever let you slip away 我怎会任你如此流逝

    never knowing i'd be singing this song some day 如今竟又将你吟唱

    and now i'm sinking,sinking to rise no more 自从你将我弃于门外

    ever since you closed the door 我越陷越深,再不复当初

    if i could turn,turn back the hands of time 如果我可以将时光倒流

    then my darlin' you'd still be mine 我绝不让你离去

    if i could turn,turn back the hands of time 如果我可以将时光倒流

    then darlin' you,you'd still be mine 我要你在我身边

    funny,funny how time goes by 然而,时光就此流逝

    and blessings are missed in the wink of an eye 美好时光丢失殆尽

    why oh why oh why should one have to go on suffering 留我独自忍受这痛楚

    when every day i pray please come back to me 每一天,我祈求上天将你赐回

    if i could turn,turn back the hands of time 假如我可以让时光倒流

    then my darlin' you'd still be mine 我不会任你离去

    if i could turn,turn back the hands of time (重复了一遍)

    then darlin' you,you'd still be mine

    and you had enough love for the both of us 我们本可以分享那份爱

    but i,i,i did you wrong,i admit i did 但是,我承认,我毁了一切

    but now i'm facing the rest of my life alone,whoa 只能吞下这苦果,独自悲凉

    if i could turn,turn back the hands of time ( 又重复了,嘎嘎)

    then my darlin' you'd still be mine

    if i could turn,turn back the hands of time

    then darlin' you,you'd still be mine

    i'd never hurt you (if i could turn back) 我绝不会再伤你心

    never do you wrong (if i could turn back)

    and never leave your side (if i could turn back) 我将寸步不离常伴你左右

    if i could turn back the hands

    there'd be nothing i wouldn't do for you (if i could turn back) 不论任何事,只要是为你我都愿意去做

    forever honest and true to you (if i could turn back) 将真实的自己毫无保留的献给你

    if you accept me back in your heart,i love you (if i could turn back the hands)(if i could turn back) 只求再拥有你的心,我的爱人

    that would be my will (if i could turn back) 这就是我的心愿

    darlin' i'm begging you to take me by the hands (if i could turn back the hands) 请再牵我的手

    i'm going down,yes i am (if i could turn back)

    down on my bended knee,yeah (if i could turn back) 我为你双膝落地

    and i'm gonna be right there until you return to me (if i could turn back the hands)(if i could turn back)就这样等下去,知道你回心转意

    if i could just turn back that little clock on the wall (if i could turn back) 要是可以将那钟表调回到当初

    then i'd come to realize howmuch i love you 我终会意识到我对你无尽的爱

    love you love you love you (if i could turn back the hands)老子,奈死你了