
  • a few days ago ,i have a problem :a lot of things to do,but have no ,one of my blogfriend told me :save time~and,i take my way seriously of save time!soon,i found that i can save a lot of time in my way at last,when i have time to do anything i should ,but.i was tired and bored to do anything!so ,i wasted the time to do something was unuseful~this question is the same with my brother:Qin Xiong i have no idea to make a comfort with him and i have no idea with that what can i do for him?maybe,there is not just save time but also have energy to do the work!everything to do has its first time,and we all hope every thinking can put into ,save time is importent,but the more importent is your attituded with your work,.when you have a good attitudes,maybe you not just have once successed ,but you have successed in your life matter how hard it is,you must through it,than you can go into the world which in your dream.