英语翻译下这条笑话,俩人对话部分即可: (2/9前必将择优采纳,若已积累5个以上赞同,悬赏分加倍.)


  • 对老外而言,这真是标准一“汉语的迷思”.既是无法直译,只能勉力就对话的内容意译如下:

    B: What's the meaning of this?

    A: Nothing really, just a little something for you.

    B: What for? That sure is weird of you ...

    A: Don't be serious, I'm sorry to trouble you last time.

    B: We're buddies, you're way off...

    A: Oh come on, no biggie.

    B: Well . . . I'll just have to say thanks then.

    A: By no means, I'm the indebted one.
