英语翻译1 把空调温度调到26度2 把空调温度调高一点 / 低一点3 你把空调温度设置在了多少度?4 把电视音量调小点,


  • 1 把空调温度调到26度

    1) Set the temperature at 26 degree on the air conditioner.

    2 把空调温度调高一点 / 低一点

    2) Turn up / Turn down the temperature on the air conditioner.

    3 你把空调温度设置在了多少度?

    3) What temperature have you set on the air conditioner?

    4 把电视音量调小点,别人都睡觉呢.

    4) Turn down the TV volume.People are sleeping.

    5 你还没睡吗?熬夜对你的皮肤不好

    5) Have you not yet gone to bed?Stay late is not good for your skin.


    6) I would like to thank those people who have helped.