英语翻译①选用三成肥七成瘦的猪腿肉,剁成肉泥,放在碗内将鸡蛋打入,加盐、适量水拌匀,再加面包屑拌匀成馅.  ②烧热锅,下


  • 不知道好不好① use three percent fat Qicheng thin Zhu Tuirou,hacked mess,put the eggs into the bowl,add salt,the amount of water and mix well,add bread crumbs and mix well into the stuffing.② burning wok,under oil,till thefive are ripe,the meat by handreshaping the size of the ball as bayberry Mariko,roll on thebread crumbs,deep fry pot float,golden brown,pour intocolander filter dry oil.③ the original amount of water into the pot,add sugar,vinegar,red bayberry juice,melted in the fire into the marinade,cornstarch water and then thicken,pour over the fried meatballs,stir a moment,topped with sesame oil can