

  • 1、He ofen goes to school on foot.

    2/Does he ofen go to school on foot?

    3 How does he often go to school?

    4 If you work hard ,you will pass the eaxm.

    She wants to know if you can tell her the truth.

    5 She was reading the book yesterday morning.

    6 She had gone to America last week.

    7 He is the man who is Ann's father.

    The bag which is on the desk is Ann's.

    She is the girl that saved an old man yesterday.

    8 He was beaten by his father last week.

    He was taught a lot of things is this semester.

    Ann was saved by a man yesterday.

    Tom was hit in the face by his classmate.

    Linda was told that she would't pass the exam .

    Lily got married last year.