

  • What makes Mr Fogg at that time with only eighty days to travel around the earth?

    Mr. Fogg overcame the difficulties with his wit and wisdom, which shows that as long as we are willing to work hard to do one thing, to save will be successful. Any difficulties have he crack of way, every difficulty is daunting because just because fewer keys, and keys need our thinking will get. How many questions one world, there will be many to solve key. Method is not necessarily confined to a certain range, as long as can well resolve the problem, do not have to care about other factors. Of course, impulse and the risk of not in cannot but never take it out. This world does not lack the problem, only the lack of the kind of flexible character. Life has many difficulties will be placed in front of us, or rushed to get a not know what course to take, a calm thinking either, to think of a way to easily remove it. I believe, calmly is always better than impulsive rash can solve more easily, more effective problem.