初一上册人教版英语八单元A部分2b对话 44页


  • 2b Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a.

    Mr.Smith:Now,Alice,how old are you?

    Alice:I’m thirteen.

    Mr.Smith:When is your birthday?

    Alice:It’s on September 5th,Mr.Smith.

    Mr.Smith:Oh,OK.And how about Frank?

    Alice:Frank isn’t here today,but his birthdayin on July 4th.

    Mr.Smith:Thank you,Alice.And Eric?

    Eric:My birthday is on January 17th.

    Mr.Smith:On January 17th.OK.And Jane,when is her birthday?

    Eric:Her birthday is on August 22nd.

    2c Listen again.Match the names,months and dates.