写一封去爱心俱乐部的推荐信 要英文


  • I recommend a person to love the club. His good health, in the top student in class, study hard he helpful. His rapport with students. Kind, cheerful he good good-hearted, have aid many small animals. I recommend him to love the club! What a good-hearted person! Referee: XXX


    我推荐一个人去爱心俱乐部.他身体健康,在班上学习名列前茅,学习刻苦的他乐于助人.他和同学们关系融洽.和蔼开朗的他善良有爱心,曾救助过许多小动物. 我推荐他去爱心俱乐部!多么有爱心的人!推荐人:XXX