How to keep fit?


  • 你是要英语回答还是中文呢、都给你写出来吧 三个“平”:平常饭菜(一荤一素一菇,燕麦瓜果豆腐); 平和心态(不争不恼不怒,爱心宽容大度); 平均身材(不胖不瘦,天天早晚走路) 1、平常饭菜 一荤一素一菇 最近,联合国粮农 statistics.1 kg overweight,less live for 8 months.90's recount,overweight 1 kg,less 4 months of living.Regardless of life to a few months,excess years of life lost it is in the affirmative.Obesity is a symbol of the disease,obesity is exempt from aging.If you want fat,learning Japanese sumo wrestlers.Want to be getting thinner,learning English aristocracy.Japanese sumo athletes weighing up to 180 kilograms or 200 kilograms,of which reason is very simple:they eat only two meals a day to sleep after meals.British aristocracy body are so good,because they ate six meals a day,Shaoliangduocan,blood sugar,blood lipid fluctuations are very small,the overall metabolism is very stable.Usually could eat six meals a day at work how to do?Control of three meals a day can also:eat breakfast,lunch,dinner eat.Breakfast eat 2 / 5,in the eat 2 / 5,eat dinner,1 / 5.Way down,the body will naturally gotten thinner and will not rebound.