

  • Dear mother

    I’m writing to state my opinions on your teaching method.I know you,and I know your attitude towards child education,and based on that knowledge,I doubt that you’d give a damn about what I think,but at least,please let me finish.

    According to your policies toward educating me,the description “tiger parent” fits you fairly well.You force extra courses and a high expectation on me,forbid me from commencing several activities perfectly fit for a youth my age,and deprive me of the right to live my own life.That’s what a tiger parent does.

    I didn’t invent the phrase concept”tiger parent”,the society did,and that fully shows it’s disapproval for actions as such.The tiger is a symbol of strength; it’s also a symbol of tyranny.By being called a tiger,it,at the very least,shows that you are very mean,if not violent and inconceivable.

    I very much doubt if your methods have a positive effect on the course of my life.Some people have no spine and do whatever they’re told to with no complaint whatsoever,maybe even without so much as a thought to complain,however,I’m sorry to tell you that I’m not such a person,and if a task is forced upon me,how well I can complete it is not assured.Also when you ban something,to what extent your ban would work is also a question.Perhaps if everything goes perfectly according to your plan,I would end up academically splendid,but nothing more.A mother in her forties knows nothing about trend,nothing about what the world is to become,so even if I come out exactly as you wish,which I will not,I still wouldn’t be a sufficiently useful person to the contemporary society.

    So if you still have some of that kindness and understanding left inside you,you will listen to me,and give me full support for me to walk a path of my own choice,and whatever the outcome,I would be grateful for your support.

    Thank you for finishing this letter.

    Sincerely yours,

