英语作文 高一下面是作文题目:最近的一项调查表明:大约25%的学生有不吃早餐的习惯,请根据一下信息,写一篇题为“top


  • 对不起我控制不了字数……已经压缩了但还是200的样子,lz自己删减一下吧~(我比较wordy……)

    话说那个top meal of the day是什么意思……这该不会是学校出的题目吧……囧……这是实实在在的Chinglish啊……一般都是best meal of the day之类的吧……

    According to a recent survey, there are about a quarter of students who skip breakfast.And some similar reasons for this are raised by those students.

    It is common for students to stay awake late at night to study, which results in the lack of sleep. Then skipping breakfast gives them more time to sleep, and certainly they would choose to stay in bed rather than having breakfast. However girls do so in order to keep fit and look good in a slim body, therefore it is not surprising that some of them would choose to be on a diet. Another reason can be that in some families both parents are on work which makes them have little time to stay with their children or take care of them. Instead,they may simply give their kids some money for breakfast.

    However, it has been found out that skipping breakfast leads to poor exam performance. Those students are also more likely to feel sleepy during class.

    Some advices are made which suggests that breakfast is important for good health as it provides a person's 30% of the energy he needs of the day(这句话有点问题不好意思), and it helps to improve students'performance in school. Thus it can be seen that students should eat breakfast every day, and they should bear in mind that breakfast is the best meal of the day.
