

  • Second,and other basic trigonometric function algorithm

     abs () function,such as:the absolute value of abs (-1) = 1

     acos () function,such as:the arccosine acos (0.5) = 60

     ainv () function,such as:the involute ainv 0.0149043838673 (= 20)

     asin () :the arcsine function,such as library functions like sin (30) = 0.5

     atan () function,such as:anti-tangent atan (1) = 45

     ceil (less than) :please give the smallest integer constant,such as:the ceil (1.1) = 2,ceil (1.9) = 2

     cos () function,such as:the cosine cos (60) = 0.5

     ee:2.7182818284590452354 = constant

     floor () :please don't give the biggest integer greater destiny,such as:the floor (1.1) = 1,floor (1.9) = 1

     inv () function,such as:the involute inv (20) = 0.0149043838673

     ln () :for the logarithm of natural e,such as:ln (ee) = 1

     log (10) :for the bottom of the logarithm,such as:log (10) = 1

     PI:3.14159265358979323846 = constant

    In the triangle function to PI needing attention,such as:cos (PI / 3),we want it should equal cos60 = 0.5,but not in the calculation of not ask,cos (PI / 3) = 0.9998329794591 trigonometric function,in the PI PI doesn't mean 180 degrees,not only in the calculation of pure representatives cannot inside this constant PI,If need to use,PI representative Tod (PI) converting it into Angle 180

     library functions like sin () function,such as:the sinusoidal library functions like sin (30) = 0.5

     tan () function,such as:the tangent:tan (45) = 1

     Tod () :radian,such as:converting Angle Tod (PI) = 1.8

     toint () :rounding integer,such as:toint (1.1) = 1,toint (1.9) = 2

     torad () :converting Angle,such as:torad radian (180) = 3.14159265358979