英语翻译1.Prepare thedatabaseCreate a database on the mysql serv


  • Prepare the database (准备数据库)

    Create a database on the mysql server and create a separate username andpassword for the

    software to use. This user will needfull access to the database. Forexample,we will use

    username "dcim" with password "dcim" on the localhost basedmysql server.

    创建一个mysql服务器的数据库并且为这个软件创建一个不同的用户名和密码.这个用户应该有数据库的所有权限.例子:用户名:dcim 密码dcim 在本地的basemysql服务器上

    From a shell prompt:在shell 控制上打入

    $ mysql -h localhost

    mysql> CREATE DATABASE dcim;

    mysql> GRANT ALL ON dcim.* TO'dcim'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'dcim';

    At this point you have prepped the database and are ready to configure the website.

    $ cp db.inc.php-dist to db.inc.php

    $ vi db.inc.php

    Fill in the blanks for user,pass,database,server. 在空白处输入用户名密码数据库名称和服务器
