

  • 3-year-old can identify coins and banknotes; 4 years to realize that we can not buy the goods of light,we must make a choice at the time of purchase; 5-year-old equivalent of that coin,for example:a pay phone can play 25 cents and so on.Know how money is come; 6-year-old to change; 7-year-old able to read price tags; 8-year-old knows he can make money by doing extra work,learn to put money into a savings account; 9 years old can be a simple plan to develop the cost of the week ,compare prices while shopping to know; 10-year-old know how to save a little money each week to use with lot of money; 11 years of age found that TV ads from the facts related to money; 12 years to develop and implement a two-week expenses plan,know how to use the banking business in the correct terminology.