英语:more than求more than + n 和more than +v.的意思和例句,


  • more than 1.超过,多于

    It's no more than one mile to the shops.


    His insolence is more than I can stand.



    I was more than a little angry when I saw how they'd ruined it.


    She was dressed more than simply.


    His answer more than satisfied me.



    His report is more than a survey.


    More than one answer is to your question.


    More than one are〔is〕 going.


    More persons than one were invited.



    1.The system has the ability to run more than one program at the same time.该系统能够同时运行一个以上的程序.

    2.The pain was almost more than he could bear.这种痛苦几乎使他无法忍受.

    3.I couldn't afford more than a broom cupboard to set up office in.我的钱也就够搞一间鸡窝大的办公室.

    4.I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary.我不想使这项任务不必要地复杂化.

    5.The company provides more than 20 free-to-air channels.本公司提供20多个免费收视频道.

    6.The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe.这地方美其名曰餐馆,其实只不过是个快餐店而已.

    7.The prisoner has been held incommunicado for more than a week.这名囚犯已被单独囚禁了一个多星期.

    8.More than 20 shops were looted.有20多家商店遭到了抢劫.

    9.They now cost marginally more than they did last year.他们现在并不比去年贵多少.

    10.I wanted it to be more than a one-night stand.我要的不只是一夜情缘.

    11.Such reforms seem likely to remain little more than pious hopes.这类改革可能只是画饼充饥而已.

    12.The investment is little more than a punt.这项投资无异于一场赌博.

    13.She wanted to be more than just a two-bit secretary.她并不想只做个人微言轻的小秘书.

    14.Do not write more than 200 words.写的东西不要超过200字.

    15.In the worst-case scenario more than ten thousand people might be affected.在最坏的情况下,有一万多人可能会受到影响.

    16.Party membership has increased by more than 4,000,000 since then.从那时到现在,党员增加了400多万人.

    17.He did more than the rest of us did together.他做的比我们其余人合在一起做的还要多.

    18.I was disappointed by his indifference more than somewhat.他的漠不关心使我很失望.

    19.His violincello had become little more than a meal ticket.他的大提琴技艺仅仅成了谋生手段.

    20.Nowadays people get about much more than they used to.现在外出旅行的人们比过去多.

    More than的用法 A.“More than+名词”表示“不仅仅是”

    1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information.

    2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer,too.

    3) We need more than material wealth to build our country.


    B.“More than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如:

    4) I have known David for more than 20 years.5) Let's carry out the test with more