越来越多的年轻人喜欢吃快餐, 同学们对此存在争议. 请你根据下面的提示写一篇短文, 介绍有关情况, 并陈述自己的观点.


  • They hold the view that fast food is tasty and eating fast food can save plenty of time so that they can keep up with the pace of the time. In addition, they consider it a symbol of fashion.

    However, some young people are against eating fast food, because it’s rich in fat and can make them gain weight. Besides, businessmen sell fast food with the purpose of making money. What’s worse, the majority of the fast food isn’t healthy, which does harm to the young generation’s health.

    In my point of view, it’s a waste of money eating fast food. We ought to eat as little fast food as possible. The major principle of a diet is eating environmentally friendly food.
