英语翻译不能有语法错误的啊T T...还有这两句话怎么翻译:1“娱乐圈光环背后的真情”2.“在职场人生中不能迷失掉真心的


  • 翻译不能一字一句翻的,基本上达意

    1.there‘s true love under the halo of showbiz

    2. don't lost yourself in career life

    I made phone call to Jay recent days

    "congratulations!" I said

    "For what?" He asked

    "Cause the top ten topics of the webs which cover baloney and rumors , are all about you!"I said with smiling, because I did give him the whole ten tops happily

    " EN...WELL.just don't pay attention to it" Jay said

    Yes,don't pay attention to them, I never seen them before.I recalled that I’ve never been to that website before, cos‘ I know "jolin" is the word used to connected with a miserable destiny like hell.but it's good for speaking out.