Is English easy to learn (要原创的作文)


  • English is easy to learn

    English is not only the most useful languuage in the world .IT is also one of the easiest languages to learn and to use :

    *Simple alphabet.No special symbols such as é or ǎ.

    *plurals .Simple add s to a world . One car ,five cars : one telephone ,two telephones,~~There are very few exception.

    *Short words .Most of the basic words are short : run work ,big go ,man .Long words are often shortened: sitcom=situational comedy ,fridge = refrigerator,OS = operating system .Speaking English saves you time .

    *Words don't change. But in many languages,one words has many forms :

    *Call everybobay "you can say "DO you speak English ?" to your friends or to teacher.In other languages,you have to use the right word for the right person . In English ,everyboby is equal

    *English is erevywhere ,you easily access English language televison ,music ,website ,magazines ,etc .you don't have to learn from boring textbook ,You can learn use your English at the same time .Using your is especially important because it increases your desire to learn .