

  • 大小写我先不管了,全是自己翻的哦!

    There's a river next to this building,it's surrouned by a row of trees,with a garden in the estate.

    in the morning,small kids always play on the grass,and old people exercise beside the garden.

    in the evening,there're rare people who are fishing aside,some couples hand-in-hand stroll along the river.

    i really like to appreciate sunset,the falling sun paints the lake by gold,and that makes me feel,i'm in the wonderworld.

    buildings in a sky-blue color has its shadow on the lake.i usually take a walk along the lake and go to the mall for a look in the evening.the first floor under-ground is the supermarket with fresh vegetable on-sale in the morning,with prices usually beating same-grade vegetables in the market.the first floor contains cosmetics,and shoes.the second floor is the floor for women,always raising anti-quarter of ex-gratia,30 persent off,if you are the member of the mall,you can get the product with half the price.the thirt floor is for men and children.the forth floor is appliances,some stuffs on bed,and some resturants.i prefer a resturant with japanese food,i always sip tea with my friends there.the fifth and sixth floor are cinemas,this is a cinema with a huge screen in southern city of Beijing.but it'll emerge in 10 days.servers solve problems for you with smile,instead of a deadpan face,that's why i go there frequently.
