

  • Rhinos (犀牛)

    There are five species of rhinos - two African and three Asian.The African species are the white and black rhinos.Both species have two horns.Asian rhinos include the Indian and the Javan,each with one horn,and the Sumatran,which has two.

    White rhino is the second largest land mammal next to the elephant.The five species range in weight from 750 pounds to 8,000 pounds and stand anywhere from four and a half to six feet tall.

    Biologists estimate that wild rhinos live up to 35 years.In captivity,a rhino may live 40 years.

    Rhinos are herbivores,meaning they eat only plants.White rhinos,with their square-shaped lips,are ideally suited to graze on grass.Other rhinos prefer to eat the foliage of trees or bushes.

    As solitary creatures,both male and female rhinos establish territories.Males mark and defend their territories.Rhinos use their horns not only in battles for territory or females but also to defend themselves from lions,tigers and hyenas.

    Rhinos rank among the most endangered species on Earth.Valued for their horns,they face a serious threat from poaching.Some cultures believe that the powdered rhino horn will cure everything from fever to food poisoning and will enhance sexual stamina.



    Black Rhino (Diceros bicornis):2,400

    White Rhino (Ceratotherium simum):7,500

    Sumatran Rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis):400

    Javan Rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus):fewer than 100

    Indian Rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis):more than 2,000
